
This is the official website of Dovra.

Managing Director: Johan Ingvarsson
Postal address: Marsvägen 8, S692 34 Kumla, Sweden
Phone number: +46-735 199 303

Dovra is a limited company registered with the Swedish Company Registration Office (Bolagsverket) under the

organisation number: 559216-4825
VAT registration number: SESE559216482501

The attorney-client relationship is established solely between the client and Dovra. Accordingly, Dovra is exclusively liable towards the client for services rendered in connection with the assignment.

The material on this website is only for general and introductory information, does not qualify as legal or tax advice, and must not be used for professional advice by third parties.

Dovra aims at a high standard of information that is published on this website. There is, however, always the risk that the content is not exhaustive or completely updated. We are not liable for possible damages that arise by direct or indirect use of the website or the information published on this website. We neither accept responsibility for possible damages that arise by direct or indirect use of free offers or information. This does, however, not apply to liability for damages due to gross negligence or intent on our side.

The content, information, and material on our website are protected by copyright legislation. Dovra allows reproduction of the content, information, and material only for personal, not commercial use. Apart from that, reproduction, distribution, re-publication, and re-transmission of material from Dovra’s website are not permitted without Dovra’s consent.

Dovra is not liable for the content and material on other websites which you can visit via hyperlinks from our website or to which we refer on our website. These are third-party offers which are beyond Dovra’s influence. We are thus not liable for the content on such websites.